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Ohio Sentry is committed to providing business news that influences companies and entrepreneurs throughout Ohio. We focus on delivering comprehensive coverage of economic trends, market changes, and business policies that shape the commercial environment in the Buckeye State. Our objective is to offer detailed analysis and insights into Ohio's business climate, empowering our audience to play a significant role and stay ahead in the ever-evolving economic landscape.
Big Boy Gets Eviction Notice
In an era where identity and representation are hotly debated topics, Hershey's approach to International Women's Day has sparked significant controversy. Opting to feature a man in a dress as part of their campaign, the company has drawn criticism from those who feel that this choice undermines the very essence of a day dedicated to celebrating the achievements and addressing the challenges women face. Critics argue that such decisions by corporations not only misrepresent the intent of the observance but also fail to honor the real and substantial advancements made by women throughout history.
Article Date: 10/24/24 | Updated Date: 10/24/2024
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